The research activity embraces Civil engineering especially Water - resources engineering as well as Environmental engineering, particularly River engineering and Rural Water Supply & Sanitation.
The Section of Water - Resources Engineering concentrates its activity on open channel hydraulics (including flow resistance on flood plains, accumulation of sediment and erosion below dams. Another research topic is seepage in both saturated an unsaturated zone, water inflow to drainages and pollutant migration within soil.
The Section of Rural Water Supply & Sanitation
specializes in wastewater treatment in small communities, especially using constructed wetlands, soil absorption systems and other on-site technologies for individual houses.
The Chair possesses a hydraulic laboratory of area 150 m2 with a flume. The flume is supplied in water by two pumps. There are also seepage columns and 2 - D physical model for seepage modelling equipped with a microwave moisture meter.