

The Department of Forest Management conducts many years of research within the problem of the Faculty of Forestry entitled "Research on the biological, technical and economic reconstruction of a forest farm", regarding the following directions:

shaping forest ecosystems in the changing conditions of the natural environment;
reconstruction of tree stands;
improving inventory methods and planning principles in forest management.
multifunctionality of forests;
structural and functional features of fresh pine forests of the Polish Lowlands;
The details of these directions are expressed in the following research topics:

Productivity and functioning of forest ecosystems in the conditions of chemical pollution of atmospheric air
Fundamentals of forest management in the conditions of urban and industrial agglomerations on the example of Poznań
Regulation of timber production in threatened forest ecosystems
Research on the sustainability and reconstruction of forests
Shaping the productivity and productivity of the forest on the basis of forecasting changes in the elements conditioning forest production
Research on determining the economic type of tree stand
Reaction of the environment of fresh pine forests of the Polish Lowlands to the influence of a complex of anthropogenic factors
Protection and management of important forest types in Pomerania
Regulation of the productive and protective functions of the forest
Valorization of the functions of lowland and mountain forests
Application and development of spatial information systems