
About the project

The Greater Spotted Eagle Clanga clanga is classified as critically endangered in 27 EU countries and is on the list of EU bird species identified as 'priority for LIFE funding’….
The leader of the project is the University of Life Sciences in Poznań, which is implementing it with four beneficiaries:

About as

The Poznań University of Life Sciences (PULS) is a scientific and didactic unit that conducts research and implements conservation activities to learn about and actively protect the most endangered plant and animal species….


A dataset about the greater spotted eagle

Everyone can benefit from information on the greater spotted eagle [GBIF Secretariat: GBIF Backbone Taxonomy.] collected as part of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility


The Great Spotted Eagle Clanga clanga

The Greater Spotted Eagle is one of the rarest and least understood eagle species inhabiting Europe and Asia. Its range extends from the Pacific coast, Manchuria, Siberia, much of Russia, eastern and central Europe to eastern Poland….
