Bulgaria’s wetlands are a key wintering site for Greater Spotted Eagles. A team from the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB) conducted monitoring of Greater Spotted Eagle wintering grounds in the Mandra-Poda Special Habitat Protection Area (SPA) in southern Bulgaria. There they observed 1-2 individuals wintering regularly and birds feeding in the coastal lagoons of the Black Sea.

The eagles were also actively searched for along the Black Sea coast in the Burgasko Ezero Special Habitat Protection Areas and at Lake Atanovo, which are important wintering and migration sites for these birds.

Habitats and foraging sites of Greater Spotted Eagles in the Sakar Mountains, which are also part of the Natura 2000 system, were also inspected.

During the monitoring of the wintering of the species in Bulgaria, we also checked numerous wetlands and surrounding pastures and meadows near the project sites in southern Bulgaria, where wintering of the species was recorded according to the data obtained during the literature review and the database created by the BSPB.