International conference organizing by Poznań University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, Poznań, Poland. The conference will be delivered in a hybrid event format, combining personal participation in the conference with online participation.
The conference has been moved.
New conference date: June 1-3, 2022.
The aim of the conference is to present and share the experiences and research results in forestry and wood science under climate change. The conference will cover the following themes:
1. Sustainable forestry in a changing environment
- Threats to forests and forestry resulting from global climate change (insect outbreaks, fires, severe weather phenomena, epiphytosis) and the possibilities of preventing these changes
- Anthropopression (environmental pollution, deforestation, overexploitation)
- Mitigation of global climate changes by managing the forest and increasing forest areas
- Invasive species – by-product of globalization (prediction, control)
- The role of disturbances in the formation of multifunctional forests - possibilities and limitations
2. Challenges in wood science
- Impact of climate on wood formation and wood properties
- Wood in bioenergy
- Green building
- Bio-friendly wood protection
- New technologies in wood-based materials (biocomposites, nanomaterials, packing)
3. Ecosystem services provided by forest ecosystems
- Protection of biodiversity – maintenance of wildlife habitat
- Carbon storage
- Social and cultural benefits: education, recreation, traditional non-wood resource uses and spirituality
- Forest in the time of a pandemic
Participation mode
- Oral presentations: the time for oral presentation is 12 minutes plus 3 minutes for questions.
- Poster presentations: the posters should be prepared by applying Stand A1 (841×594), vertically oriented. We ask Authors to do short (3 min.) oral presentation about the aim of the work.
Conference language: English.
The conference is co-finansed within the framework of Ministry of Science and Higher Education programme as "Regional Initiative Excellence" in years 2019-2022 (project numer 005/RID/2018/19) and programme "Perfect Science" (project numer DNK/SP/463330/2020).