Strona główna Kontakt

Nr 10, 2007


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P. Kacorzyk

Zmiany składu botanicznego runi łąki górskiej oraz wielkości plonu suchej masy i białka ogólnego jako rezultat nawożenia obornikiem owczym
Changes in species composition of mountain grassland and dry matter and crude protein production resulting from sheep manure fertilisation

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The study was conducted in the years 2001-2003 on the mountain meadow of red fescue (Festuca rubra L.) and colonial bentgrass (Agrostis capillaris L.) type. The aim of the investigation was to compare the potential of sheep’s manure with mineral fertilization. After three years of research significant grass species losses in the sward yield were observed to the advantage of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) and other dicotyledonous plants for all fertilized meadows except the one with full mineral fertilization. Productivity of fertilization components provided with manure (per 1 kg PKN) amounted to 13.7 kg of dry matter and 2.0 kg of protein and was lower than productivity of the components provided with mineral fertilizers by 42% and 29%, respectively.

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P. Kacorzyk

Implikacje stosowania owczego obornika na łące górskiej w sferze składu mineralnego jej runi
Implications of sheep manure used on mountain meadows for mineral content in grass

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. In the years 2001-2003 an effect of sheep’s manure and mineral fertilizers on the macroelements’ content of the meadow sward of red fescue (Festuca rubra L.) and colonial bentgrass (Agrostis capillaris L.) type was compared. Mineral and manure fertilization affected mainly higher phosphorous and potassium content of the meadow sward, whereas it has no significant influence on the other components level. Fertilization with sheep’s manure can be considered as an important factor improving the quality of forages derived from mountain meadows. Sheep’s manure, especially utilized in the doses of about 10 t ha–1, alone or together with phosphorous and nitrogen increased the phosphorous content and limited the excessive level of potassium when compared to mineral fertilizers.

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Z. Kaczmarek,
S. Kozłowski
Właściwości biologiczne i chemiczne Eragrostis minor Host.
Biological and chemical properties of Eragrostis minor Host.
  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Eragrostis minor is a synanthropic plant of Polish flora, a pioneering grass of acid soils poor in nutritional components. Until recently, the range of the occurrence of this taxon in the lowland part of Poland has been described as considerable, albeit not very numerous. However, lately, both the range and the intensity of the occurrence of this species have increased considerably in some regions of our country. The observed expansion of Eragrostis minor can be attributed to its biological and chemical properties. Unfortunately, our knowledge in this area is very poor. The objective of the performed investigations was to gain a fuller recognition of biological and chemical properties important for the occurrence of Eeagrostis minor.

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D. Kalembasa,
E. Malinowska

Zmiany zawartości metali ciężkich w Miscanthus sacchariflorus (Maxim.) Hack. pod wpływem nawożenia osadem ściekowym
Changes in content of heavy metals in Miscanthus sacchariflorus (Maxim.) Hack. biomass under influence of fertilization of waste activated sludge

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. In the pot experiment carried out during two years the influence of the fertilization with there different (10, 20 and 30% of fresh matter to the mass of soil) doses of waste activated sludge in the comparison to mineral fertilization (NPK) on the content of heavy metals in the biomass of Miscanthus sacchariflorus was investigated. The dry mass of Miscanthus sacchariflorus was mineralized by “dry combustion method” and after ash was dissolved in that and after that in the solution the content of Pb, Cd, Cr, Cu, Zn, Ni and Co was determinted by ICP-AES method. The increasing doses of waste activated sludge caused higher uptake of determinted elements. Among determinted elements the fertilized plants have taken up the highest amount of Zn and Pb but the lowest Co and Cr.   

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M. Kasperczyk,
W. Szewczyk,
P. Kacorzyk

Produktywność azotu na łące górskiej
Nitrogen productivity in a mountain meadow

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Nitrogen is the most important factor influencing crop production. This is due to the fact that plant demands for this nutrient are the highest ones, because nitrogen is the main mineral constituent of a cell. However, this nutrient is also the most expensive as fertiliser and it leads to particularly severe environment pollution since it easily volatilises as well as leaches with percolating water. Under Polish conditions nitrogen use efficiency fluctuates around 14%, which is nearly three times lower than in the Western European countries. Thus, the investigation was undertaken to asses nitrogen use efficiency and nitrogen uptake by the mountain-meadow vegetation.

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R. Kochanowska,
R. Gamrat

Zbiorowiska trawiaste z pełnikiem europejskim (Trollius europaeus L.) w dolinie rzeki Chocieli
Grass communities with globe flower (Trollius europaeus L.) in the river Chociel valley

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Basing on results on phytosociological and biometric measurements which have been conducted since 1994 the method of utilization of grass meadows with globe flower of changeable humidity within the river Chociel valley. There was the highest population of Trollius europaeus in the Western Pomerania.

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S. Kozłowski,
W. Zielewicz,
A. Lutyński

Określanie wartości energetycznej Sorghum saccharatum (L.) Moench, Zea mays L. i Malva verticillata L.
Determining energetic value of Sorghum saccharatum (L.) Moench, Zea mays L. and Malva verticillata L.

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Investigations are still in progress with the aim to find plant species which could be utilised in bioenergetics. Much hope has been pinned on energetic willow, poplar and false acacia. Recently, more and more attention has been placed on grasses, both native species as well as species alien among our native flora. Also the sward of permanent grasslands occupies a major position in the base of energetic biological raw materials. The simplest, albeit not the only method of obtaining heat energy from plants is their combustion. The value of the released energy is determined by many factors. Among the most important ones is the specificity of the plant species, especially in the area of chemical properties. Our investigations were carried out on the following three species: Sorghum saccharatum, Zea mays, Malva verticillata.

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