Strona główna W górę Kontakt

Nr 16, 2013

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J. Daszkiewicz

Wymagania siedliskowe oraz baza pokarmowa Cervus elaphus w odniesieniu do zbiorowisk łąkowych

Habitat requirements and food base of Cervus elaphus in reference of meadow communities

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The objective of this research was to determinate importance of grass and meadow species in red deer diet and influence, that is caused in open habitats by these animals. Study was based on foreign and local literature review. Meadow and grass species are, on average, 1/3 of plants in red deer diet, and in some places could be preferred form of forage. Availability of meadow habitats in red deer territory can reduce negative impact of this specie on forest and agricultural plantations. Influence of red deer on open habitats depends on many factors, among others – productivity of habit.

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A. Kobyliński,
M. Olszewska

Efektywność energetyczna produkcji biomasy Miscanthus giganteus

Energy efficiency of Miscanthus giganteus biomass production

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The study includes an evaluation of the use of the cultivation of Miscanthus giganteus for energy production based on an energy analysis carried out on a test farm. The study shows that the obtained yield of dry matter indicates the profitability of the cultivation of Miscanthus giganteus for energy production.

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S. Kozłowski,
W. Zielewicz
Poznawanie właściwości biologiczno-chemicznych Poa chaixii
Recognition of biological-chemical properties of Poa chaixii
  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Poa chaixii (broad-leaved meadow grass) is a poorly known European grass and this, in turn, can be attributed to the fact of its rare occurrence. However, in recent years, a growing interest in many facets of this grass has been observed. The objective of research studies was a better understanding of biological-chemical properties of Poa chaixii which can determine its occurrence and utilisation on lowland areas. Investigations followed two directions: selected biological and chemical properties of this grass. Investigations of its biological properties included: the size and development of generative shoots as well as their seed potentials, plant vitality and response to nitrogen fertilisation. Investigations of chemical properties in our own studies comprised recognition in plants of the quantitative occurrence of organic and mineral constituents important from the nutritional point of view taking into account vegetation and different nitrogen fertilisation.

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M. Kulik

Ocena szaty roślinnej wybranych łąk trzęślicowych w Poleskim Parku Narodowym i poza jego obszarem

Evaluation of vegetation of selected Molinia meadows in Polesie National Park and outside its area

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The study was carried out in 2011–2013 at selected complexes of Molinia meadows located in Bagno Bubnów (Polesie National Park). Tested complexes were characterized by the dominance of Molinia meadows, which bordered to other plant communities. The study area was characterized by a large number of plant species under strict and partial protection. Ostericum palustre, species protected by Habitat Directive occurred in all complexes. A total of 107 plant species in the Selino-Molinietum caeruleae association were noted. Greater biodiversity was characterized by meadows situated in the Polesie National Park compare to the private one. It should be noted that the private Molinia meadows which directly adjacent to the Polesie National Park are mostly well-preserved habitats, involving protected plant species.

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M. Kulik,
R. Baryła

Zależność udziału Lolium perenne i Trifolium repens w runi pastwiskowej na glebie torfowo-murszowej w warunkach wieloletniego użytkowania

The relationship of share of Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens in pasture sward on peat-muck soil in long-term use

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The aim of the study is to evaluate the relationhsip of share of Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens in the pasture sward on peat-muck soil in long-term use. In the years 1997–2008, studies were conducted to assess the share of Trifolium repens and Lolium perenne cultivars (Polish – Anna, Arka, Maja, Solen, Rela and the SZD-291 strain, and Dutch – Baristra, Barezane and Barlano) in pasture sward. The experiments were established in Piwonia valley (Sosnowica) on peat-muck soil (Mt II). Pasture was grazed by meat cattle of Limousin breed in 4–5 rotations. In the 12-year period, Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens were the dominant species in the first and third regrowth of pasture sward on peat-muck soil.

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A. Rzeźnik,
B. Golińska,
P. Goliński

Badania nad wytrzymałością na zerwanie osadki kłoskowej i siłą wiązania ziarniaków w kłoskach Festulolium braunii

Investigations on tensile strength of rachilla and seed retention strength in spikelets of Festulolium braunii

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Investigations were carried out in 2008–2009 to assess the rachilla tensile strength and seed retention strength in spikelets of various Festulolium braunii genotypes depending on their growth stages. The cultivars (Felopa, Sulino and Agula) and breeding materials were used. With the aid of a special testing machine, retention strength of successive flowers/kernels in spikelets as well as strength required to rachilla breaking of selected spikelets were determined. It was found that the examined Festulolium braunii genotypes were characterised by specificity regarding seed retention strength in spikelets. This biological feature was smaller for top flowers/kernels and increased with the movement down the spikelet. It was found that in the examined genotypes of Festulolium braunii the seed retention strength in spikelets in the analysed consecutive growth stages was smallest in spikelets situated in the upper part of the inflorescence and the highest in the lower part.

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A. Rzeźnik,
P. Goliński

Osiągnięcia w hodowli mieszańców ×Festulolium

Breeding achievement of ×Festulolium hybrids

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The aim of this work was to analyze the achievements of ×Festulolium breeding. On the basis of a thorough review of both domestic and foreign literature on the subject as well as our own experiences from investigations carried out at the Szelejewo Plant Breeding Station Ltd. in 2005–2010, the authors analyzed the actual status and perspectives of breeding works concerning ×Festulolium. It turned out that in the breeding of ×Festulolium hybrids significant progress in the global context was achieved. Currently 38 cultivars of ×Festulolium hybrids on the OECD are registered and 34 cultivars in EU common catalogue are recorded. From the point of view of the number of gained cultivars the highest interest of breeding is focusing on Festulolium braunii hybrids obtained from Lolium multiflorum × Festuca pratensis crossing on the basis of amfiploidization and introgressive hybrids of Festulolium pabulare obtained from crossing between Lolium multiflorum (2x) × Festuca arundinacea var. genuina (6x).

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J. Starzyk,
D. Swędrzyńska

Aktywność nitrogenazy endofitów bakteryjnych w glebie gliniasto-piaszczystej pod uprawę traw

Nitrogenase activity of bacterial endophytes in the sandy-loam soil under grass cultivation

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. A dinitrogen fixation by bacteria living in symbiosis with leguminous plants is a widespread and well-known phenomenon. However, also some free-living bacteria, frequently entering into associations with various plants, reveal capabilities of fixing molecular nitrogen. Such endophytes include bacteria like Acetobacter diazotrophicus and Herbaspirillum seropediceae, discovered in countries of the tropical climate, where they lived in associatins with plants characteristic for this climate as: sugar cane, sorgo and grasses. Until now, however, very little is known about the occurrence of these bacteria in the climate of the temperate zone. Therefore, the objective of this experiment was to find out the influence of the inoculation of Italian ryegrass, Bromus willdenowii and Festulolium braunii with Acetobacter diazotrophicus and Herbaspillirum seropedieae on N2 fixation.

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D. Swędrzyńska,
W. Zielewicz,
P. Przybył,
J. Starzyk

Wpływ biokondycjonera glebowego na stan mikrobiologiczny i aktywność enzymatyczną gleby pod uprawę Lolium perenne

The influence of a soil bioconditioner on the microbiological state and enzymatic activity of the soil under Lolium perenne plantation

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The influence of the Soleflor soil bioconditioner on the soil pH, its bioactivity (the population of selected groups of soil microorganisms, the enzymatic activity of the soil), the plant vigour expressed with the SPAD index and the perennial ryegrass sward yield were investigated in a two-year field experiment in a perennial ryegrass plantation. The influence of Soleflor on the soil pH and the population of microorganisms proved to be minimal, ambiguous and statistically insignificant. The preparation was observed to have minimal influence on the increase in the enzymatic activity of soil. A noticeable reaction to fertilisation with the Soleflor preparation was observed in the plants which in both treatments with the

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W. Zielewicz,
D. Golembka,
S. Kozłowski
Reakcja Galega orientalis na zmianę częstotliwości defoliowania roślin w aspekcie jej właściwości biologicznych i chemicznych

Response of Galega orientalis to changes in the plant defoliation frequency from the point of view of its biological and chemical properties

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Fodder as well as phytoenergetic phytomass utilisation of goat’s rue depends, to a considerable extent, on plant response to their defoliation frequency. This feature is critical when decisions are to be taken whether it is more advantageous to employ a single harvest or to apply continuous production of phytomass by repeated plant defoliation. The performed experiments comprised: recognition of changes in plant chemical composition with respect to organic and mineral constituents important from nutritional point of view, determination of shoot morphological structure, assessment of plant vitality on the basis of the content of chlorophyll dyes as well as determination of the over-ground mass yield of goat’s rue regrowths.

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