International conference organizing by Poznań University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, Poznań, Poland. The conference will be delivered in a hybrid event format, combining personal participation in the conference with online participation.
The conference has been moved.
New conference date: June 1-3, 2022.
The aim of the conference is to present and share the experiences and research results in forestry and wood science under climate change. The conference will cover the following themes:
1. Sustainable forestry in a changing environment
Threats to forests and forestry resulting from global climate change (insect outbreaks, fires, severe weather phenomena, epiphytosis) and the possibilities of preventing these changes
Anthropopression (environmental pollution, deforestation, overexploitation)
Mitigation of global climate changes by managing the forest and increasing forest areas
Invasive species – by-product of globalization (prediction, control)
The role of disturbances in the formation of multifunctional forests - possibilities and limitations
2. Challenges in wood science
Impact of climate on wood formation and wood properties
Wood in bioenergy
Green building
Bio-friendly wood protection
New technologies in wood-based materials (biocomposites, nanomaterials, packing)
3. Ecosystem services provided by forest ecosystems
Protection of biodiversity – maintenance of wildlife habitat
Carbon storage
Social and cultural benefits: education, recreation, traditional non-wood resource uses and spirituality
Forest in the time of a pandemic
Participation mode
Oral presentations: the time for oral presentation is 12 minutes plus 3 minutes for questions.
Poster presentations: the posters should be prepared by applying Stand A1 (841×594), vertically oriented. We ask Authors to do short (3 min.) oral presentation about the aim of the work.
Conference language: English.
The conference is co-finansed within the framework of Ministry of Science and Higher Education programme as "Regional Initiative Excellence" in years 2019-2022 (project numer 005/RID/2018/19) and programme "Perfect Science" (project numer DNK/SP/463330/2020).