The volume of papers
The volume
of papers to be printed without additional cost is 40,000
characters, including tables and diagrams. Longer
articles are subject to a charge (see item VI).
Short contributions,
reviews and reports (except for reviews from PTEnt.
meetings and PTEnt. board meetings) as well as communications
and annalistic reports should not be longer than 10,000
The publisher
reserves the right to instruct the authors to shorten
the text and remove defects, particularly any discrepancies
between the text and these guidelines.
The publisher
accepts papers in Polish (with an abstract and summary
in English) and in English (with a summary in Polish).
If the text is submitted in English, the authors must
provide a translation, the publisher only proofreads
the text.
A submitted
article should be laid out as follows:
1. The title in Polish and the English one underneath
(for articles written in English the opposite order).
2. The authors' full names and surnames, full postal,
ORCID and e-mail addresses.
3. An abstract in English with a brief presentation
of the paper's content (for articles).
4. Key words in English with concise, entry-like references
to the paper subject (for articles and short contributions).
5. An abstract in English below the main body of the
text (or in Polish for papers written in English) with
a concise presentation of the content and results of
a study (except for short communications, annalistic
entries, reviews, discussion etc.).
6. References (see item V).
In papers
presenting study material the following order should
be adhered to: UTM, site name, day, month (Roman numerals),
year, number of specimens, sex, additional information,
- XU03 Piotrkówko ad Szamotuły, 2 IX 2019, 2 ,
zadrzewienia śródpolne, w pułapki ziemne, leg. M. BUNALSKI.
- XU04 Obrzycko: 12 IV 2020 (2 exx.), 24 V 2020 (12
exx.), 1 VI 2020 (3 exx.) - pastwisko nadrzeczne, w
pułapki przynętowe, leg. M. BUNALSKI.
If there
are more observations of one site, the name of site
in further records should be replaced with the word
- XU04 Obrzycko:
12 IV 2020 (2 exx.), 24 V 2020 (12 exx.), 1 VI 2020
(3 exx.) - pastwisko nadrzeczne, w pułapki przynętowe,
leg. M. BUNALSKI; idem, 12 IV 2020, 1 ex, murawa z klasy
Koelerio glaucae-Corynephoretea canescentis,
w czerpak, leg. P. BEDNARSKI.
When quoting
the name of the author and year of publication should
be given in brackets, and further papers by the author
should be marked with lower case characters:
- for one author: (KADŁUBOWSKI
- for two authors: (KINEL and
- for three authors: (BURAKOWSKI et
al. 1986).
If the same
paper is referred to several times, the following should
be used:
- for the same paragraph: (KADŁUBOWSKI
- for different paragraphs: (KADŁUBOWSKI
op. cit.)
papers which present entomologists should be accompanied
with a photo, a possibly full list of their publications
in entomology and related areas, and the body of the
text should describe the entomological heritage left
by the scientist in question, e.g. a collection of specimens,
books etc. given their location.
In articles
and communications the taxonomical names of species
and genera quoted for the first time in paper should
be accompanied by names of respective authors, according
to the principles of international codes of biological
The submitted
texts should be set in Times New Roman font 12 points,
with 1.5 line spacing; justified (aligned to both margins)
and saved in one of the accepted formats DOC or DOCX.
It is recommended to use emphasis fonts, particularly:
- italics for Latin names of genera and species
- CAPITALS for the names used
in the text
- boldface for article title and chapter headings.
Tables should
be made as text, with lines divided with an enter stroke,
columns with a tab stroke and lines marked, or else
they can be submitted in the Excel format. Large-sized
tables, i.e. exceeding 18 cm in print, should be avoided.
Each table should be saved as a separate file.
Figures (photos,
drawings and charts) should be saved as tiff or jpeg
The recommended picture definition for this type of
- colour or grey scale and halftone - minimum 300 dpi,
- black-and-white bitmaps - min. 1,000 dpi,
- a combination of the two - min. 500 dpi.
The author
may indicate a way to block the figures. Those which
have been reproduced can be published only if copyright
is complied with.
photos and charts are to be marked as Fig. and numbered
with subsequent Arabic numerals (e.g. Fig. 3),
and their details with capital letters (e.g.
Fig. 3A). Tables should be marked with Roman numerals
(e.g. Table IV). Keys to figures and tables should be
saved in a separate file, in Polish and English .
The references
should include only the items quoted in the paper. They
should be listed in an alphabetical order by authors'
surnames and include:
- the authors' surnames and initials,
- year of publication,
- full title of the paper,
- full name of the publishing house,
- place of publication (for books),
- number of series/ volume (in bold) and the journal
(in brackets),
- first and last page numbers.
In short
communications references should be quoted as in other
papers, however, the number of references should be
Non-Latin alphabets should be transliterated according
to international standards.
of quotations
Scientific articles
MARCINKOWSKI H. 1984: Rzadkie
gatunki motyli większych (Macrolepidoptera) z Gór Sowich.
Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne, 54 (3): 229-230.
M., STEFAŃSKA J. 1985: Chrząszcze
Coleoptera. Buprestoidea, Elateroidea i Cantharoidea.
Katalog Fauny Polski, 23, 10: 1-401.
collective works and chapters
GOTELLI N J. 2008: Primer of
ecology. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland. 291 pp.
JURA C. (ed.) 1988: Biologia
rozwoju owadów. PWN, Warszawa. 250 pp.
STARKEL L. 1988: Rzeźba (pp.
19-28) [in:] J. WARSZYŃSKA (ed.):
Województwo tarnowskie. Monography. PAN Oddz. W Krakowie.
185 pp.
PULAWSKI W 2012: Catalog of Sphecidae
sensu lato (=Apoidea excluding Apidae).
(access: 13/01/2013).
Charges for publication
Members of
Polskie Towarzystwo Entomologiczne who are not in arrears
with their fees are not charged with publication of
an article up to 40,000 characters (see item I). However,
they must present proof of fees payments.
If the allowed
volume is exceeded, the charge is PLN 150 for every
further 40,000 characters and is calculated in proportion
to the exceeded volume.
In other
cases the payment is PLN 250 for every 40,000 characters
of an article (along with tables and figures) and is
calculated in proportion to the exceeded volume.
Payable articles
may be accepted for publication provided the author
has covered the cost of publication. The author shall
be informed about the cost after typesetting is completed
and the payment is the condition of publication.
prepared articles can be submitted via email to the
of editorial assistant: marek.bunalski@up.poznan.pl
or by mail to the address: Redakcja Wiadomości Entomologicznych,
ul. Dąbrowskiego 159, 60-594 Poznań POLAND