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Nr 17, 2014

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T. Kubiak,
S. Kozłowski

Dynamika zmian potencjału plonotwórczego Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. na tle jej właściwości biologicznych

Dynamics changes of Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. yielding potential against biological properties of this plant

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Phragmites australis fulfils multiple, very favourable environmental and economic functions. High yielding potential of this plant makes, that recently, Phragmites australis raises interest as energy grass. It’s important to clear understanding of common reed biological properties for each sphere of utilization. Recognition of yielding dynamics in reference of biological properties is especially valuable and interesting. This task is aim of this study. Evaluation of yielding potential was based in terms of generative shoots height changes and intensity of shoots formation changes in water basins.

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M. Kulik,
R. Baryła,
J. Sawicki

Zawartość składników pokarmowych w wybranych gatunkach ziół i chwastów oraz ich wpływ na wartość runi pastwiskowej

The nutrient content of selected species of herbs and weeds and their effect on the value of pasture sward

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The aim of the paper is to estimate the nutrient content of selected species of herbs and weeds and their effect on the value of the sward grazing by cattle. The biomass of the analyzed species of herbs and weeds was characterized by a lower content of nitrogen as well as higher content of magnesium in comparison to biomass of grass-legume mixtures and grass monocultures. This group of plant species increases content of the ash component in the fodder, especially magnesium. High content of phosphorus, potassium and calcium in the biomass of Conyza canadensis, calcium and magnesium – in Geranium pusillum and Capsella bursa-pastoris, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium – in Cerastium holosteoides, potassium and magnesium – in Taraxacum officinale as well as potassium in Achillea millefolium were noted.

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H. Lipińska,
M. Sykut,
Z. Czarnecki,
A. Gawryluk
Wpływ pozostawionej na powierzchni trawnika skoszonej murawy na jego walory użytkowe
Influence of clippings left on the lawn surface on its functional value
  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The investigations were conducted on light mineral soil using a randomised block design with three repetitions in the years 2007-2010. 14 lawn varieties of six grass species were studied: Agrostis capillaris, Festuca arundinacea, Festuca rubra, Festuca ovina, Lolim perenne and Poa pratensis. The influence of the cut biomass that was left on the lawn surface was assessed based on the general aspect and sward density over a study period of four years. The investigations showed that the biomass had a favourable impact on the general aspect of the Bardot (A. capillaris), Espro and Pintor (F. ovina) varieties, and a negative impact on the general aspect of the Stadion (L. perenne) and Bila (P. pratensis) varieties. The biomass had a favourable impact on the sward density of the Bardot (A. capillaris) and Pintor (F. ovina) varieties, and a negative impact on the sward density of the Stadion (L. perenne) and Nandu (P. pratensis) varieties.

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A. Rzeźnik,
B. Golińska,
P. Goliński

Zróżnicowanie materiałów hodowlanych Festulolium braunii w zakresie wybranych cech morfologiczno-biologicznych determinujących plon nasion

Differentiation of breeding materials of Festulolium braunii in regard to selected morphological-biological properties determined seed yield

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Field experiment was conducted in 2006-2007 in Plant Breeding Szelejewo Ltd. to investigate the differentiation of breeding materials of Festulolium braunii in regard to selected morphological-biological properties determined seed yield. The one-factorial experiment was established in three repetitions. In the selected two breeding strains SZD-FL11 adn SZD-FL12 9 and 13 genotypes, respectively, were analysed. The following parameters were analysed: morphology of leaf blades and generative shoots, structure of inflorescences and spikelets and seed site set. According to cluster analyses, it was found that breeding strain SZD-FL11 was distinguished by better uniformity of analysed properties in regard to seed potential of Festulolium braunii.

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A Swędrzyński

Geneza zbiorowisk łąkowych Europy Środkowej w świetle zróżnicowanych teorii i koncepcji naukowych

Origin of grassland communities of Central Europe in view of different scientific theories and concepts

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The objective of this study was to substantiate a thesis widely held in Polish grassland science literature about an almost absolute domination of the anthropogenic factor regarding the origin and development of grassland communities. The inspiration for undertaking this problem derived from some new theories, among others – the Vera theory, concerning the European primary landscape and factors shaping it. Among these factors, one of the more important elements earlier underestimated was the impact of large, wide-living herbivorous mammals. Theses presented in this study have both cognitive as well as utilitarian dimensions presenting a new approach to landscape protection and development as well as protection and management of populations of large herbivorous mammals.

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Cz. Trąba

Zróżnicowanie zbiorowisk trawiastych w Polsce

Differentiation of grassland communities in Poland

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The study is devoted to the differentiation of grassland which occur on the territory of Poland. It can be found that 145 species posses diagnostic value in phytosociological plant systematics. 1/3 of associations and communities, among those distinguished in Poland, is recognised on the basis of grasses. Grasses can be found in the names of as many as 160 syntaxa. Based on the topic related bibliography elaborated in Poland, the study also contains a review of communities with a high proportion of grasses. In many cases, not solely the basic units (associations) were taken into consideration, but also syntaxa of lower rank.

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