Strona główna W górę Kontakt

Nr 17, 2014

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H. Czyż,
T. Kitczak

Wpływ nawożenia mineralnego NPK na plon nasion Dactylis glomerata L. odmiany Minora

The effect of NPK fertilization on seed yield of Dactylis glomerata L. cv. Minora

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Planting of Dactylis glomerata cv. Minora for seeds on light soil with a companion crop of spring barley, seed yield was obtained, on average, 6.86 dt ha-1 in the first year of harvest (2011) and 4.99 dt ha-1 in the second year of harvest (2012). The results, presenting the changes of plant density in the years of seeds harvest, the biometric features of plants (number of generative shoots, inflorescence length, number of spikelets and seeds per inflorescence) as well as yield of seeds and straw, indicated a positive effect of mineral fertilization and the most favorable dose was: 120 kg N, 80 kg P and 180 kg K per hectare.

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B. Golińska,
P. Goliński

Wpływ wiosennego przykaszania roślin i stosowania regulatorów wzrostu na plonowanie Trifolium repens w uprawie na nasiona

Effect of cutting plants in spring and application of plant growth regulators on Trifolium repens yield grown for seeds

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Field experiment was conducted in 2002-2004 in Dusina Plant Breeding Station to investigate the influence of spring plant cutting and application of selected plant growth regulators (PRGs) on seed yield of white clover cvs. Aura and Wota in the first and second years of utilization. The two-factorial experiment was established as a random block design on plots of 15.5 m2 in four repetitions. The following parameters were analysed: morphological features of leaves, seed yield and its structure and seed quality. PRGs – B-Nine 85 SP (daminozide) and Cycocel 460 SL (chlormequat chloride) – were found to be the most effective. Its application in the first and second years of utilization was found to increase seed yield of both cultivars. The observed yield increase was the result of higher inflorescences density per 1 m2 and higher number of pods per head.

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P. Kacorzyk,
M. Kasperczyk
Możliwość wykorzystania tras narciarskich w gospodarce pastwiskowej
The possibilities of ski slopes utilization in grazing management
  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The study was conducted on two ski slopes situated on Jaworzyna Krynicka Mountain. One of them is located on south-east and the other on the eastern location. During the modernization of the slopes grasses and legumes mixture was seeded in three points on each of them. In the second year after sowing slopes were grazing by sheep 3 times. At the same time the floristic composition of the sward, sodding and yielding were estimated. Sown grasses as red fescue and tall fescue were present on all points in similar quantities. However, their participation in the coverage area was about 1/3 and smaller than the share of their seeds in the mixture. The share of sown perennial ryegrass and white clover in favourable habitats was similar to the share of seeds in the mixture. Evaluated ski slopes areas in the research points were characterized by good sodding and were classified as good pasture for sheep.

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A. Klarzyńska,
A. Kryszak

Trawy w procesie kolonizowania nieużytkowanych linii kolejowych w Wielkopolsce

Grasses in the process of colonizing the unexploited railway lines in Wielkopolska

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The paper presents the results of the research on the speed and level of colonization of the unexploited railway lines by grasses. Railways tracks are an inseparable element of the human-shaped environments. These areas have specific ecological-edafical conditions and only plants of wide ecological amplitude are able to get control over them. Among grasses there is a significant number of species whose biological properties, resistance to environmental stresses and ability to survive in extreme conditions let them overrun and turf difficult terrains. These are mostly species which root deeply, creep, form a large number of diasporas and are often connected with significantly drying habitats, such as Arrhenatherum elatius, Dactylis glomerata, Festuca ovina, Festuca rubra and Poa pratensis, which grow relatively fast within peatlands. The expansion of grasses typical to ecosystems crossed by railway tracks were also identified in these areas e.g. Melica nutans, Poa nemoralis in forestry areas, Phragmites australis, Bromus inermis on wetlands and Apera spica-venti, Bromus secalinus, Echinochloa crus-galli or Setaria viridis on agricultural terrains. However, these taxons appeared usually single with a minor share. Total number of grasses was 31.

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S. Kozłowski,
T. Kubiak,
A. Swędrzyński

Zmienność w występowaniu barwników chlorofilowych w blaszkach liściowych Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud.

Variability of chlorophyll dyes occurrence in leaf blades of Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud.

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. So far, Phragmites australis was omitted in exploration of chlorophyll dyes content in grasses. Elimination of this gap was the aim of this research. Works was carried out during growing season in 2013. Object of the research was reed from 8 reservoirs, in different sizes, located in western part of Poland. Plants were overgrown periphery of water basins, along the shoreline, and communities can be classified as Phragmitetum australis. Studies consisted of systematic, during the growing season – monthly, analysis of chlorophyll dyes presence in leaf blades. Obtained results bring significant value in biological characteristics of this species.

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A. Kryszak,
Ł. Maćkowiak,
A. Klarzyńska,
N. Szczepańska,
J. Kryszak

Zmienność pokrycia traw w runie wybranych typów lasów w sezonie wegetacyjnym

Fluctuation in grasses cover during the growing season in some types of forests

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The paper shows the results of the occurrence of grass species and the determination of the reasons of changing their participation in the undergrowth during the growing season. The obtained results showed that the stand structure constituting ecological factors, especially the amount of light reaching to the bottom of the forest determines the changing participation of grass species. These relations were particularly confirmed for Deschampsia flexuosa, Arrhenatherum elatius and Poa nemoralis.

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