Strona główna W górę Kontakt

Nr 21, 2018

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A. Gawryluk,
T. Wyłupek


Początkowy wzrost i rozwój wybranych gazonowych odmian Festuca arundinacea, Festuca rubra, Festuca ovina, Lolium perenne i Poa pratensis na przydrożnej skarpie

Initial growth and development of selected lawn varieties of Festuca arundinacea, Festuca. rubra, Festuca ovina, Lolium perenne and Poa pratensis on a roadside bank

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The study objective was to assess the initial growth rate of 15 lawn varieties of 5 grass species, Festuca arundinacea, F. rubra, F. ovina, Lolium perenne and Poa pratensis (3 varieties per each species), in order to determine their usefulness for the turfing of roadside banks whose soil profile horizons have been largely transformed mechanically. The studies were conducted on the embankment of the National Road No. 17 alongside the Piaski-Łopiennik stretch. On the 10th, 20th, 30th, 40th, 50th and 60th day from the sowing date, the length of the roots and the height of seedlings was assessed for each variety. The study showed that while the lawn varieties of grass vary in terms of seedling growth rate, the differences between species were greater than between varieties within an individual species. In all measurement dates, P. pratensis seedlings were characterized by the shortest roots. In turn, the roots of L. perenne seedlings were the longest, but only on 50th day from the sowing date.

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A. Gawryluk,
T. Wyłupek,
M. Sosnowska,
I. Woźniak

Początkowy wzrost i rozwój wybranych gazonowych odmian Festuca arundinacea, Festuca rubra, Festuca ovina, Lolium perenne i Poa pratensis w mieszankach z bobowatymi drobnonasiennymi na przydrożnej skarpie

Initial growth and development of selected varieties of Festuca arundinacea, Festuca rubra, Festuca ovina, Lolium perenne and Poa pratensis in mixtures with legume species on a roadside bank 

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. In the study there are presented laboratory experiment results of the initial growth rate of 5 grass species: Festuca arundinacea, F. ovina, F. rubra, Lolium perenne and Poa pratensis (1 variety per each species), in mixtures with Medicago lupulina (variety Ekola), Onobrychis viciifolia (variety Taja) and two varieties of Trifolium repens (Haifa and Nanouk). The assessment of the growth rate of seedlings was carried on the basis of measurements of root length and height of seedlings (in mm) for each variety in 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th and 30th day from the date of the sowing date. The study showed that the differences of grass species in mixtures with legume species have been caused by the biological and physiological properties of grasses and legumes. The seeds of Romina (F. arundinacea), Tomika (F. ovina), Alicja (P. pratensis), and Natara (Lolium perenne) variety in mixtures with all studied legume species have had the worst germination capacity than in control (one species sowing). Among the studied grass species, it was discovered the beneficial influence of root elongation variety Romina (F. arundinacea) but statistical analysis did not confirm the significant differences. 

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B. Golińska

Kształtowanie się szaty roślinnej na terenach zieleni przylegających do autostrady  

Formation of plant cover on green areas adjacent to motorway  

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The aim of the paper was to assess the botanical composition of vegetation of green areas adjacent to A2 motorway road strip outside the fence of the Poznań-Nowy Tomyśl section. The research was carried out in 2010 after five years from the establishment of green areas. 20 positions located on both sides of the motorway were selected for the tests at points approximately 5 km apart in order to cover the entire 50 km section with the analysis. The research stands marked out had a surface area of 30 to 100 m2. In the May-October 2010 period, the botanical composition of the vegetation was performed five times at each site using the Klapp method. On the basis of the botanical composition at each site, the share of functional groups of plants forming the vegetation of green areas was made, the total number of occurring species, undesirable and high nature-value species was determined.

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P. Kacorzyk,
M. Kasperczyk,
W. Szewczyk 

Wpływ różnych zabiegów na zadarnienie modernizowanego wału przeciwpowodziowego  

Impact of various treatments on the sodding of the modernized flood embankment 

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The aim of the research was to evaluate the effect of fertilization, hydrogel and protective nonwoven fabric on the initial development of a grass-legumes mixture sown in order to provide the sod on the surface of the embankment. The research was carried out in the years 2014–2016 on the surface of the modernized embankment on the Przemsza River, a significant inflow of the Vistula River. The part of the modernized embankment includes the following 4 objects: control, P10K35N25, P10K35N25 + hydrogel, P10K35N25 + nonwoven. The applied pre-sowing fertilization and covering the soil with a protective nonwoven fabric positively influenced the emergence of plants and the degree of covering the surface of the embankment with vegetation. The hydrogel used had no effect on plant development. 

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T. Kitczak,
K. Jankowski

Charakterystyka florystyczna runi oraz ocena wybranych walorów łąki śródleśnej na terenie Puszczy Goleniowskiej

Floristic characteristics of the sward and evaluation of selected values of the mid-forest meadow on Goleniowska Forest area 

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The study was conducted in the years 2011–2014 on mid-forest meadow located in Goleniowska Forest in Szczecin in the vicinity of the river Plonia on mucky soils. Three community types Phalaris arundinacea with Solidago gigantea, Calamagrostis canescens and Solidago gigantea were found on the analyzed objects. The nature of plant indicates their low economic value and moderate natural values. However, they meet many ecological, natural and landscape functions.

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A. Kowalczyk,
S. Twardy


Erozja wodna gleb karpackich w warunkach dominacji darniowo-leśnej szaty roślinnej na przykładzie zlewni górnego Grajcarka

Water erosion of the Carpathian soils in the conditions of domination of sod-forest vegetation based on the example of the upper Grajcarek River basin   

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The aim of this study was to determine the mass of eroded soil using the universal soil loss equation (USLE) developed by Wischeier and Smith (1992). The probability (10%, 50% and 80%) of occurrence of atmospheric precipitation for the years 1956–2017 was calculated. There was also estimated the probability of soil material erosion for calculated probabilities of precipitation in the basins of Biała Woda and Czarna Woda, that are parent streams for the Grajcarek River. Durable sod-forest vegetation dominates in the considered basins. At the same time, the agricultural land, means mainly permanent grassland and arable land, is in disappearance. The analysis shows that under specific pluviometric conditions soil water erosion ranged from 400 to 650 t∙km–2∙year–1 in sub-basins. However, for the whole basin, the risk of water erosion was lower.

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M. Kulik,
M. Warda,
H. Lipińska,
T. Wyłupek,
R. Baryła,
W. Harkot,
H. Ćwintal,
D. Urban,
T. Gruszecki,
K. Patkowski

Rzadkie gatunki roślin cennych siedlisk przyrodniczych w województwie lubelskim  

Rare plant species of valuable natural habitats in the Lublin Province   

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The aim of the paper is to discuss selected rare plant species of valuable natural habitats occurring in the Lublin Province, whose preservation depends on the proper grassland management. Many valuable natural habitats of environmentally valuable and often endangered plant and animal species designated for protection in the European Union have been found to occur in that region. These habitats play a key role in the preservation of biodiversity, including endangered and often very rare plant and animal species for which the Lublin region is a very important sanctuary. Habitats with the greatest number of rare species include dry grasslands and Molinia meadows. The pasturing of native sheep breeds such as Świniarka or Polish lowland sheep is an important method of dry grassland conservation. The most valuable plants occurring in the Lublin Region include species of Community importance, requiring the designation of a Natura 2000 area, such as Carlina onopordifolia Besser 2249, Cypripedium calceolus L. 1902, Echium russicum J.F. Gmel. 4067, or Ostericum palustre Besser 1617. 

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M. Prończuk,
P. Stypiński

The possibility of renovation of intensive horse pastures by undersowing method

Możliwość renowacji intensywnie użytkowanych pastwisk dla koni metodą podsiewu  

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Accurate pasture management is essential to maintain the productivity and value of pasture as well as provide the nutrients and location to breed healthy horses. In some situations however, intensive management results in pasture degradation. The aim of this paper is to show the possibility of the undersowing method for pasture renovation. The field experiment was established in 2016 on a private horse farm located in the central Poland. High stocking rate and very intensive management caused the pasture degradation. Sward renovation was completed using the undersowing method and three different grass mixtures (A: Lolium perenne, Festuca rubra, Poa pratensis; B: Lolium perenne; C: Lolium perenne, Lolium multiflorum, Festuca arudinacea, Festuca rubra) were sown in four replications using a randomized block system. During the next three vegetative periods (2016, 2017 and 2018), three features were measured: the height of sward, the sodding rate and the share of particular groups of plants (grasses, legumes, herbs and weeds). The undersowing method was successful and showed that the seed mixtures differed individually in their renovation ability during the first vegetative period. In caused of intensive grazing, during next two years, differences between renovation grass mixtures decreased but they remain better evaluate compared to control plots (much better degree of sodding and recommended botanical composition). 

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M. Staniak,
E. Baca

Wpływ stresu suszy na wskaźniki fluorescencji chlorofilu u lucerny mieszańcowej (Medicago × varia Martyn), koniczyny łąkowej (Trifolium pratense L.) i koniczyny białej (Trifolium repens L.)

The effect of drought stress on chlorophyll fluorescence indicators in alfalfa (Medicago × varia Martyn), red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) and white clover (Trifolium repens L.)

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of water shortage in the soil on the chlorophyll fluorescence indicators in alfalfa, red clover and white clover. Pot experiment was conducted in 2012–2014, in the vegetation hall of the Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation – State Research Institute in Puławy, at the completely randomized block method, with four replications. Objects were evaluated at two soil moisture levels: well-watered conditions and drought stress. Chlorophyll fluorescents indicators Fv/Fm and PI as well as dry mass yield were evaluated. The studies have shown that the genetic factor more modified the chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, than water shortage in the soil. In the studied species, no damage was found in the field of photosystems caused by drought. All studied species showed a significant decrease in dry matter yield under stress conditions.

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S. Twardy,
A. Kowalczyk

Produkcyjne i ekologiczne aspekty gospodarki pasterskiej w Karpatach Polskich na przykładzie województwa małopolskiego

Productive and ecological aspects of pastoral economy in the Polish Carpathians on the example of Małopolskie Voivodeship

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The paper presents structural changes in agricultural areas and ruminant herds, including cattle and sheep. Changes were presented by the examples of six counties in the Małopolskie Voivodeship, which are located in the Western Carpathians mountain area. Before political transformation in these districts, the permanent grasslands (mainly pastures) had dominant role. They were main feeding base for the numerous herds of livestock raised here. Nowadays with consequent reduction of animals, pastures have lost their original significance. Some of them was converted into extensive permanent grassland. Some was abandoned and undergoes oneself afforestation. Similar situation occurs in other Carpathian areas, particularly in mountainous areas of Śląskie and Podkarpackie Voivodeships. Nowadays there is a need to increase livestock population. Thus, possible provisions were proposed in respect of polish mountain sheep but that would involve temporary support for breeders by the government. 

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