YALI number: YALI0E20449g
Number: TF100
| Associated name: YOX1
| NCBI: 2911819
| RefSeq DNA: XM_504187.1
| RefSeq Peptide: XP_504187.1
| UniProtKB: Q6C575
Fig.1. Graphical presentation of the arrangement of the variables' combinations corresponding to
the data presentation scheme (left), and the variables' coding system (right). CH - casamino acid
hydrolysate, AS - ammonium sulfate, OA- oxygen availability, FC - fold change of the response from
the TF-OE strain over the control strain.
FC - fold change over control strain, Sig - significant at p-value > 0.05, glu - glucose, gly - glycerol, i - inorganic, o - organic
2.0 |
1.7 |
1.5 |
1.3 |
1.1 |
1.0 |
0.7 |
0.5 |
0.3 |
0.1 |
Fold change in growth (optical density at 600 nm) of the TF-OE strain over the control strain
Factor's Contribution
YALI0E20449g |
pH 11.62 |
Temp 2.91 |
Nitrogen 0.33↔ |
OA -8.41 |
Carbon non-significant |
Total r-Prot
Fold change in fluorescence of r-Prot in the TF-OE strain over the control strain
Factor's Contribution
YALI0E20449g |
pH 11.07 |
Temp -3.48 |
OA -14.8 |
Nitrogen non-significant |
Carbon non-significant |
Normalized r-Prot
Fold change in fluorescence of r-Prot normalized per biomass in the TF-OE strain over the control strain
Factor's Contribution
YALI0E20449g |
pH 2.27 |
Temp 1.34 |
OA 0.37 |
Nitrogen -0.97 |
Carbon non-significant |