Strona główna Kontakt

Nr 13, 2010

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M. Kasperczyk, W. Szewczyk,
P. Kacorzyk

Aspekt produkcyjny i środowiskowy nawożenia łąk górskich za pomocą koszarzenia Cz. I. Skład botaniczny i plonowanie łąki
Production and environmental aspects of mountain grassland fertilization by the means of folding. Part I. Floristic composition and yielding

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. For mountain grasslands a specialty is their fertilisation by sheep folded behind hurdles. The productiveness of this practice was compared with inorganic fertilisation per annum. The elements of assessment covered floristic composition of the sward, dry matter and crude protein yields, and productivity per basic nutrients (1 kg PKN). The effects of folding in general were temporary regardless of stocking density. Spring term of application gave a perceptible outcome for 2 years, while for the autumn one it was merely in the following year.

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M. Kasperczyk,
W. Szewczyk,
J. Majcher-Łoś
Dynamika rozwoju czterech gatunków traw
The dynamics of growth in four grasses species
  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The developmental appraisal of the four grass species: Festuca pratensis, Dactylis glomerata, Phleum pratense and Lolium perenne at each stage of first regrowth was done in 2007–2008. It included the number of developed and died leaves, and total leaf surface. The highest number of leaves from the stage of initial growth to the onset of flowering was produced by Phleum pratense, while the lowest by Lolium perenne. However, at harvest 3 leaves were withered in the former, and 1 in the latter. The largest leaf area was produced by Phleum pratense, and the least by Lolium perenne.

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T. Kitczak,
H. Czyż,
A. Sarnowski

Wpływ nawożenia mineralnego NPK na plon nasion odmiany Asterix Festuca arundinacea
Effect of mineral NPK fertilization on the yielding of Festuca arundinacea cv. Asterix

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The studies were carried out in years 2003–2007 in The Agricultural Research Station Lipki near Stargard Szczeciński. The field experiment was consisted of 4-year tests, in split-plot design, 4 replications, where area of one plot was 12 m2. Two factors were considered: I – P+K dose (kg ha–1): 60+120 and 90+180; II – N dose (kg ha–1): 0, 40, 80, 120. Cultivation of Festuca arundinacea cv. Asterix in light soil conditions gives good results and yields oscillate (dt ha–1): 11.25–19.32 – in first year, 9.08–18.29 – in second, and 5.58–9.96 – in third in forth year of utilisation. The results of researches on yielding of seeds of Festuca arundinacea show that a dose of phosphorus and potassium on level of P-60 i K-120 kg ha–1 is enough, in turn a dose of nitrogen is necessary to upgrade to 120 kg ha–1 (increase of 74.9% in comparison to object without fertilization).

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S. Kozłowski,
A. Swędrzyński

Profesor Edward Ralski (1901–1940) – uczony, przyrodnik, obywatel, człowiek
Professor Edward Ralski (1901–1940) – a scholar, naturalist, citizenand a person

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The aim of the article was to present the figure of Professor Edward Ralski (1901–1940) as a scholar, teacher, naturalist, citizen and person. The scope of each of the above-mentioned areas was determined by the presence and availability of source materials. Scientific and teaching activities of Edward Ralski were focused on grassland science and he turned out to be an unquestioned authority in this field. His scientific activities which were characterised by new approaches and novel perspectives determined the future of grassland science in Poland.

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S. Kozłowski,
A. Swędrzyński

Możliwości wykorzystania trzcinnika piaskowegow kontekście jego biologicznych, chemicznych i fizycznych właściwości
Possibilities of utilisation of wood small-reed grass in the context of its biological, chemical and physical properties

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The aim of investigations was to recognize properties of in an attempt to find the answer to the question whether biomass of wood small-reed grass can be treated as a renewable source of energy raw materials. The performed experiments covered two areas: the recognition of its biological (development and structure of vegetative and generative shoots, development of stolons and roots, kernel germination capacity) and chemical (occurrence of organic and mineral constituents) properties as well as physical (determination of the heat of combustion) characteristics of wood small-reed grass. The analysis of results revealed that the physical and chemical properties of the sward of this species place it among plants with the highest potentials regarding possibilities of its energetic utilization.

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M. Olszewska,
S. Grzegorczyk,
J. Olszewski,
A. Bałuch-Małecka

Porównanie reakcji wybranych gatunków traw na stres wodny
A comparison of the response of selected grass species to water stress

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. A greenhouse experiment was conducted in 2001–2002 to determine the effect of water stress on gas exchange parameters (photosynthesis, transpiration), leaf greenness and the yield of five grass species: Lolium perenne cv. Argona, Dactylis glomerata cv. Areda, Festuca pratensis cv. Skra, Phleum pratense cv. Kaba and Arrhenatherum elatius cv. Skrzeszowicki. The response of the studied grasses was evaluated at two soil moisture levels, 70% field water capacity (optimum soil moisture) and 35% field water capacity (water stress). The rates of photosynthesis and transpiration were measured during the growing season and chlorophyll concentrations were estimated. Water use efficiency (WUE) was calculated based on the quotient of photosynthesis and transpiration rates. The presented results are mean values of harvests and years of the study. The responses of the analyzed grasses to water stress varied depending on species. Festuca pratensis was characterized by the highest rate of photosynthesis, both under optimum moisture conditions and water stress. This species showed also a high rate of transpiration and the lowest water use efficiency. Water stress contributed to a significant decrease in the yield of all grasses, and the lowest yield decline was noted in Lolium perenne, followed by Dactylis glomerata. These two species were characterized by lower photosynthesis and transpiration rates and higher water use efficiency, compared with the remaining species. The above could be indicative of their good adaptability to stress factors.

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