Strona główna W górę Kontakt

Nr 13, 2010

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B. Borawska-
G. Mastalerczuk

Wpływ zróżnicowanego czasu oświetlenia na początkowy rozwój gazonowych odmian Poa pratensisw pierwszym i czwartym roku po zbiorze nasion

The influence of the different light time on initial developmentof Poa pratensis turf varieties in the first and fourth year after seeds harvest

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the light time conditions on vigour and germination capacity of Poa pratensis L. turf varieties after the first and the fourth year of seeds storage. It was indicated that vigour and germination of seeds of examined turf varieties – Alicja, Ani, Nandu (PL) and Miracle (NL) varied independent on the light conditions in the first as well as in the fourth year after harvest. Achieved results revealed influence of longer time of light (15/9h) on seed vigour and germination as well as initial seedling growth of examined varieties.

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H. Czyż,
T. Kitczak,
J. Szydłowska
Przydatność wybranych nawozów ekologicznychdo nawożenia runi pastwiskowej
Suitability of selected ecological fertilizers for pasture’s sward fertilizing
  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The studies were carried out in 2004–2006 on systematically mown but not fertilized permanent meadow, covered by Festuca rubra community, situated on muck soil. There were introduced pasture management and three mineral fertilizers (Magnesia-Kainit, Patent-PK and Thomaskali) accepted to use in ecological farms. Rates of fertilizers was calculated to 120 kg ha–1 as a basis. Detailed researches involve: floristic composition of sward, yields of green matter, dry matter and crude protein, content of macroelements (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na) and Cu. The results of analysis showed that used fertilizers had positive influence on floristic composition and yielding of pasture sward.

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B. Golińska,
P. Goliński

Ocena wytrzymałości na zerwanie osadki kłoskowej i siły wiązania ziarniaków w kłoskach Lolium perenne
Evaluation of tensile strength of rachilla and seed retention strengthin spikelets of Lolium perenne

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Investigations were carried out in 2008–2009 to assess the rachilla tensile strength and seed retention strength in spikelets of various Lolium perenne genotypes depending on their growth stages. The cultivars (Akwamaryn, Diament, Gagat and Solen), breeding strain SZD 102 and ecotypes were used. With the aid of a special testing machine, retention strength of successive flowers/kernels in spikelets as well as strength required to rachilla breaking of selected spikelets were determined. It was found that the examined Lolium perenne genotypes were characterised by specificity regarding seed retention strength in spikelets. This biological feature was smaller for top flowers/kernels and increased with the movement down the spikelet. It was found that in the examined genotypes of perennial ryegrass the seed retention strength in spikelets in the analysed consecutive growth stages was smallest in spikelets situated in the upper part of the inflorescence and the highest in the lower part.

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B. Grygierzec,
K. Gowin

Wpływ stymulacji laserowej nasion na bioakumulację metali ciężkich w kostrzewie czerwonej
Effect of laser stimulation of seeds on heavy metals bio-accumulation in the red fescue

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The research was conducted in 2005–2008 in Krakow. The experiments were located close to three busy streets of the city: Igolomska, Lublanska and Mickiewicz Avenue. The experiment aimed at determining the effect of pre-sowing stimulation of red fescue seeds with a laser diode on heavy metal contents. After four years of red fescue exposure along the three streets in Krakow a smaller soil pollution with heavy metals was assessed in the pots sown with the grass sowing material which was pre-sowing stimulated with the laser diode. Computed bioaccumulation coefficients (BC) revealed that the red fescue which was pre-sowing stimulated with the laser diode accumulated higher quantities of all analyzed heavy metals than the plants which were not stimulated before sowing. Red fescue, both stimulated with the laser diode before sowing and without the pre-sowing stimulation absorbed greater quantities of copper, zinc, cadmium and nickel, but smaller amounts of chromium and lead.

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S. Grzegorczyk, K. Grabowski

Wpływ zaniechania rolniczego użytkowania zbiorowisktrawiastych obiektu Bezledy na zmiany w ich składzie gatunkowym
Effect of desist from agriculture use of grass communities in Bezledy object on flora species composition changes

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Studies were conducted on Bezledy object, situated on northern part of Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship. Soils on this area ranked as peat-muck soils formed from wood peat. In 1960’s peat bog was land reclamated and bringed into cultivation, the next years managed on it rational meadow farming. In 1990’s as a result of property transformations interest of this object diminished, till complete excluding of exploitation. In 2007 in meadow sward dominated dicotyledonous plants – Filipendula ulmaria and Urtica dioica. In comparison to 2003 occurred changes in floristic composition of meadow sward. Increased participation of Filipendula ulmaria, however decreased participation of Urtica dioica.

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W. Harkot,
M. Powroźnik

Reakcja wybranych gazonowych odmian Lolium perenne na pogodowe czynniki stresowe w okresie początkowego wzrostu i rozwoju
Reaction of selected lawn Lolium perenne varieties on weatherstress factors during emergence and establishment

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The sensitivity to weather conditions of 12 lawn Lolium perenne varieties sown at 6 dates were evaluated in 2005–2008 (three study series) on a base of their emergence and establishment. Emergence onset proved the earliest in the objects with the May and August sowing dates (5–16 days after sowing), whereas the latest with the November and December terms (as late as spring next year, 90–180 days after sowing). The highest plant density was observed for the Inka, Lisabelle and Taya varieties in objects with the May sowing date, and for the Gazon variety in objects with the September sowing date. The Natara, Niobe and Plaisir varieties had a similar plant density in objects with all sowing dates.

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