Strona główna Kontakt

Nr 11, 2008


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J. Jodełka,
K. Jankowski,
A. Jakubczak

Sezonowe zmiany liczebności drobnoustrojów w strefie ryzosferowej łąki nawożonej doglebowo i dolistnie
Seasonal changing of the microorganisms in the rhizosphere levelof the meadow fertilized to the soil or as foliar

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The investigation was realized on the soil material coming from experience put in 1993. Nitrogen fertilization (55 or 110 kg ha–1 N) was applied in the form of ammonium nitrate under every regrowth. Additionally was applied foliar fertilization. The samples of the soil to quantitative of microbiological investigations were taken in the vegetative period 2005 after the gathering of every cut. In studied soils the bacterium number was depended on the kind of the supplement to the plants of alimentary components delivered in the form of spray. Both the level of fertilization used to soil and the kind of spray hadn’t the significant influence on the number of the mould in the soil.

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P. Kacorzyk,
W. Szewczyk

Wpływ nawożenia na zawartość składników organicznych oraz makroelementów w wybranych grupach roślin łąkowych
Influence of fertilization on organic components and macroelementscontent of meadow plant groups

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Suitable fertilization treatment decides about botanical and chemical composition of meadow sward. Grasses are basic component of permanent grasslands. Legume plants are other important group with great feed value in animal production. Herbs are third part of permanent grasslands. These plants are characterized high concentration of mineral components and biologically active substances. In this paper results of chemical analyses of grass, legumes and herbs are presented depending on different doses of mineral and natural fertilizers. The investigations were conducted in the years 2003–2004 on the permanent meadow of Festuca rubra and Agrostis capillaris type in the mountain region.

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M. Kasperczyk,
W. Szewczyk,
P. Kacorzyk
Dynamika składu botanicznego runi łąkowej w zależności od rodzaju nawożenia
Dynamics of botanical composition of the meadow sward as affectedby the kind of fertilization
  • Abstract

    • Abstract. As regards meadows, the effects of manure are considered to be inferior to these of mineral fertilisers, due to the great possible loss of nutrients. The rate of ammonia lost from fermented manure which had been applied over grassland may reach up to 75%. Nonetheless, manure has a highly beneficial impact on grass production and species composition in turf, as well as it reduces harmful effects of mineral fertilisation and curbs natural propagation of meadow weeds. This research aimed to evaluate the dynamics of turf species in a meadow fertilised with manure versus mineral fertilisers. Experimental work was conducted on permanent grassland in submontane area between 1997 and 2005.

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G. Mastalerczuk

Wpływ zaprzestania nawożenia i ograniczenia częstotliwości koszenia łąki trwałej na skład gatunkowy runi, plonowanie i masę korzeniową roślin
The influence of desistance from fertilisation and reduction of cutting frequency of permanent meadow on species composition, yielding and root mass of plants

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The studies were curried out in 2000–2007 on permanent meadow situated in the valley of Pisi Tuczna river about 40 km south-west of Warsaw. The objective of this research was to analyse the influence of desistance from fertilisation and reduction of cutting frequency to once a year on changes in species composition, yielding and root formation of meadow sward. The results indicated that limited management of meadow after its long-term intensive management could be the reason of grassland degradation.   

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Z. Mikoajcyak,
A. Dobicki,
P. Nowakowski,
W. Opity von Boberfeld,
M. Wojciechowska,
D. Matkowski

Ocena użytków zielonych Parku Narodowego „Ujście Warty”
Evaluation of grasslands of National Park „Warta Mouth”

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Evaluation of botanical composition and yields of grassland swards of National Park „Warta Mouth” were performed in years 2004–2006. Detailed observations dealt with the three main vegetation type swards of Glyceria maxima, Phalaris arundinacea and Agrostis stolonifera. These swards cover ca. 70% of the Park, the remaining area is mainly under herbs and Salix ssp. shrubs and trees. The use of grasslands by cattle there depends on the length of birds nesting season and on various in time spring and sometimes summer flooding. The average yield of herbage for the entire vegetation season was estimated for Glyceria maxima and Phalaris arundinacea swards to be ca. 9–10 t ha–1 DM and for Agrostis stolonifera sward to be ca. 7 t ha–1 DM.

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B. Mosek,
S. Miazga

Zbiorowiska szuwarowe w dolinie rzeki Urzędówki
Rush communities in the valley of the Urzędówka river

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Using the Braun-Blanquet method, 93 phytosociological relevés were established, including 30 relevés of rush communities of the Phragmitetea class. 11 plant associations were distinguished, including 4 grass associations (Sparganio-Glycerietum fluitantis, Glycerietum maximae, Phragmitetum australis and Phalaridetum arundinacea), 6 sedge (Eleocharidetum palustris, Caricetum elatae, C. paniculatae, C. acutiformis, C. distichae and C. gracilis) and Marsh Horsetail associations (Equisetetum fluviatilis). Altogether, 22 plant species of the Phragmitetea class, 42 species from various syngenetic units of the Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class and 16 accompanying species were identified in all associations.

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W. Nowak,
J. Sowi}ski,
A. Lisyka-Podkowa,
A. Jama

Wartość pokarmowa krótkotrwałych mieszanekmotylkowo-trawiastych
Nutritional value of one-year Legume-Grass mixtures

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. In the years 2003–2005, in Pawłowice Research Station of Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, a three-year research was conducted with annual legume-grass mixtures and with their components (persian clover, westerwold ryegrass), concerned with their nutritive value. The share of components in a mixture had a significant effect on the content of crude protein, fiber, ash, magnesium and calcium. The most advantageous equivalent ratios were characteristic of persian clover alone and the mixture of 80% persian clover and 20% westerwold ryegrass.

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