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Nr 15, 2012


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M. Kasperczyk,
P. Kacorzyk

Wpływ nawożenia mineralnego na wartość gospodarczą pastwiska górskiego

Effect of mineral fertilization on the economic value of mountain pastures

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. In 2007–2009 assessed the impact of mineral fertilization on the production value of mountain pastures grazed by sheep. Pasture was grazed 4 times during summer in rotational grazing. The study included five objects: controls and 4 fertilized. Elements of the assessment were: sward floristic compositions, dry matter yield, crude protein and utilization of these yields by sheep. The biggest impact of these parameters had a phosphorus-potassium fertilization. However, floristic compositions from the point view of fodder value and the highest yield of dry matter were available and obtained by sheep under influence of following fertilization: P-25 kg, K-60 kg, N-60 kg ha–1.

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S. Kozłowski,
W. Zielewicz,
W. Lipiński

Występowanie składników mineralnych w Galega orientalis w aspekcie jej paszowego wykorzystania

Occurrence of mineral constituents in Galega orientalis from the pointof view of its fodder utilisation

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Galega orientalis (goat’s rue) is a plant characterised by a wide range of application possibilities, although its fodder utilisation appears to be most appropriate bearing in mind the chemical properties of this plant species, especially in the area of its organic components. However, the chemical composition of goat’s rue has not been properly investigated so far. Insufficient knowledge of its chemical composition can be attributed to the fact that the plant is included in the group of leguminous plants which are commonly considered to be characterised by high concentrations of mineral components. Nevertheless, the plant mineral composition undergoes far reaching changes and, hence, levels of chemical elements in plants are not always optimal. The aim of this research project was to get to know levels of occurrence of mineral constituents in the plants of goat’s rue with respect to their optimal values, both during the vegetative period as well as in the course of consecutive years of utilisation of plantations of this species.

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S. Kozłowski,
W. Zielewicz,
A. Swędrzyński,
Ł. Olejarnik

Właściwości chemiczne traw leśnych

Chemical properties of forest grasses
  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Cereal and meadow grasses are well recognised with respect to their content of organic and mineral constituents. Forest grasses, on the other hand, still remain a group of plants poorly recognised with regard to their chemical properties, even though they play many various functions, including: turf- and landscape-forming as well as fodder ones. These functions are determined by chemical properties of these plants. Results of our own investigations on the chemical properties of forest grasses expand our knowledge about this group of plants and, as such, provide a valuable supplementation of literature data. Forest grasses can serve as a valuable source of fodder for wildlife. Chemical composition of forest grasses, especially of structural carbohydrates, determines the structure of shoots as well as their arrangement and the establishment of leaves on them. This property is important for the visual perception of grasses, especially with respect to their landscape and aesthetic role.

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R. Lamparski,
M. Szczepanek

Występowanie owadów na wybranych odmianach Phleum pratense i Agrostis gigantea uprawianych na nasiona w zróżnicowanych rozstawach rzędów

Occurrence of insects on chosen cultivars of Phleum pratense and Agrostis gigantea grown for seed in varied row spacing

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. In this study was estimated occurrence of insects on chosen cultivars of timothy (Phleum pratense L.), and red top (Agrostis gigantea Roth) grown for seed in varied row spacing. There were more insects when timothy and red top were sown in 24 cm row spacing than in 36 and 48 cm, respectively. Thysanoptera and Hemiptera preferred timothy cv. Nowinka to cv. Prosna and Obra and red top cv. Mieta to Kita and Paula. The most numerous was Sitobion avenae F. on timothy and Psammotetti alienus Dahlbom on red top.

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H. Lipińska,
M. Sykut

Allelopatyczny wpływ wodnych wyciągówz liści wybranych gazonowych odmian trawna ich początkowy wzrost

Allelopathic influence of water extracts from the leaves of selected lawn grass species and cultivars on their initial growth

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. In the studies conducted, an attempt was made to demonstrate the differences in the growth inhibition of test species seedlings under conditions of exposure to water extracts from the leaves of the lawn cultivars of Festuca rubra, Festuca ovina, Lolium perenne and Poa pratensis. Biotests were performed on Petri dishes in laboratory conditions. The extent to which seedling height and root length was inhibited in comparison to control objects (sprayed with distilled water) was used as an indicator of the presence and activity of allelopathic substances in extracts from leaves. The negative or positive effect of allelopathic substances depended on the species and cultivar of the donor, and the species of the test plant, i.e. the acceptor. Among the grass species studied, the strongest negative impact was exerted by water extracts from the leaves of L. perenne.

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R. Łyszczarz,
R. Dembek,
R. Suś,
M. Zimmer-Grajewska

Możliwości odtworzenia i utrzymania korzystnego potencjału produkcyjnego trwałych użytków zielonych w Dolinie Kanału Bydgoskiego

Possibilities of reconstruction and maintaining a beneficial production potential of permanent grasslands in the Bydgoszcz Canal Valley

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Under sowing with a multi-specific grass and papilionaceous mixture has appeared to be an effective method of renewing a meadow non-fertilised for more than 20 years, located on the post-bog soil. In the 6-year research period the best botanical composition and the highest yield-forming effectiveness were recorded for the treatment which involved the fertilisation with phosphorus and potassium. It was Dactylis glomerata which was the most dynamic species. A considerable share in the plant communities, formed as a result of a varied fertilisation, was also made up, depending on the level of fertilisation, by Lolium perenne, Phleum pratense, Agrostis gigantea, Agrostis stolonifera, Poa trivialis, Deschampsia caespitosa and Urtica dioica. The fertilisation with 120 kg N ha–1 and complete abandoning of fertilisation were especially unfavourable for the sward composition. A considerable share of non-sown dicotyledonous plants was eliminated in the fourth year of research with Fernando 225 EC herbicide.

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