Strona główna W górę Kontakt

Nr 15, 2012

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R. Baryła,
M. Kulik

Podsiew jako sposób poprawy runi łąk i pastwisk w aspekcie komponowania mieszanek

Overdrilling as a means of improving the sward of meadows and pastures from the perspective of composing mixtures

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The success of the overdrilling depends on the presence of valuable plant species which have adapted to the local habitat conditions, and on the limited presence of rampant grassland and pasture weeds in the sward. The components of mixtures should have a short seed germination period, fast seedling growth rate, and sufficient competitiveness in the community, particularly in relation to the plants of the old turf. Such characteristics are demonstrated by Dactylis glomerata, Lolium perenne, Festulolium braunii, Trifolium pratense and Trifolium repens. However, grasses exhibit a greater persistence in grass communities than legumes.

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R. Baryła,
M. Kulik

Trwałość wybranych odmian Lolium perenne w runi mieszanek łąkowych na glebie torfowo-murszowej

Persistence of chosen Lolium perenne cultivars in the sward of meadow mixtures on peat-muck soil

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. In the years 1997–2011, studies were conducted to assess the persistence and stability of the share of Lolium perenne cultivars (Polish varieties Anna, Arka, Maja, Solen, Rela and the SZD-291 strain, and Dutch varieties Baristra, Barezane and Barlano) in the sward of two grassland mixtures. The experiments were established on peat-muck soil (Mt II). The greatest impact on stability of the share of the particular cultivars of Lolium perenne in the sward of the tested mixtures was exerted by unfavourable thermal conditions of the winter of 2002/2003, high or low precipitation volumes, and the related varying groundwater level in the second half of the growing season preceding the assessment of the species composition.

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R. Dembek,
R. Łyszczarz
Wpływ udziału Plantago lanceolata na plonowanie i jakość runi pastwiskowej
Plantago lanceolata sward participation and its effect on pasture sward yields 
and quality
  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Studies were conducted between 2009 and 2011 on a two-component plot, established in the Notec Valley, on a renewed pasture for milk cows located on highly mineralized organogenic soil. Plantago lanceolata comprised 20 or 40% (5 or 10 kg seeds per hectare respectively) in grass-legume mixtures containing Lolium perenne or Dactylis glomerata as the dominant species. During the first year, the growth of Plantago lanceolata was limited more by Lolium perenne than by Dactylis gomerata. In the following years, Plantago lanceolata receded from the pasture, mostly due to competition from Dactylis glomerata, better accustomed to the habitat and transient humidity deficiency. However, its participation in the sward was always higher than that of Trifolium repens, comprising 20% of the sowing mixture. During the three year study period, the dry mass yields of the control mixtures (grass-legume) with a 20 or 40% participation of Plantago lanceolata, fertilized with 90 kg N, 100 kg K and 44 kg P, were largely similar. On average, mixtures containing Dactylis glomerata gave slightly higher yields (~10.0 t ha–1) than those containing Lolium perenne (~9.5 t ha–1). Plantago lanceolata contained more dry mass than Trifolium repens and other dicotyledonous plants. In comparison to both primary grasses it contained less crude fibre, more water-soluble sugars as well as more phosphorus and calcium.

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B. Grygierzec

Zawartość podstawowych składników pokarmowych i frakcje włókna w sianie z ekstensywnie użytkowanych zbiorowisk Alopecuretum pratensis i Holcetum lanati

The content of basic nutrients and fibre fractions in hay from extensively used Alopecuretum pratensis and Holcetum lanati communities

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Investigations were conducted in 2007–2009 on two permanent meadows, included in the Agri–Environmental Programme for the years 2007–2013 with dominating meadow foxtail localised in Skrzeszowice and a meadow with dominating common velvet grass in Komorniki. Both localities are situated near Krakow. The investigations were conducted to determine fodder value of hay from extensively used Alopecuretum pratensis and Holcetum lanati communities on the basis of yielding and basic chemical composition (contents of crude ash, total protein, crude fat, nitrogen–free extracts, crude protein and fibre fraction share). The presence of 25 species was noted in the Alopecuretum pratensis meadow sward, whereas 32 species were identified in Holcetum lanati community. Total dry mass yields from Alopecuretum pratensis meadow were from 5.26 to 6.38 t ha–1 and from the Holcetum lanati meadow between 2.85 and 3.49 t ha–1. Quantities of energy nutrients and crude ash in the hay from Alopecuretum pratensis and Holcetum lanati communities were diversified. Hay samples originating from Holcetum lanati community had a lower content of crude ash, total protein and crude fat but higher concentrations of crude fibre and nitrogen free extracts than plant samples from Alopecurus pratensis community. High concentrations of neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and acid detergent fibre (ADF), considerably exceeding the permissible quantities stated in the feeding standards were assessed in the analysed hay from both meadows.

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J. Jankowska

Wpływ wybranych metod zwalczania mniszka pospolitego na zawartość ligniny kwaśno-detergentowej w runi łąkowej

Effect of some methods of common dandelion control on the acid detergent lignin content in the meadow sward

  • Abstract

    • Abstract.In 2007–2009 the study on effect of some chemical and mechanical methods of Taraxacum officinale control on the acid detergent lignin content in the feed obtained from the permanent meadow was carried out. In the experiment the following combinations were used: control, Rancho 242 EC, Bofix 260 EC, Starane 250 EC, Mniszek 540 SL, mechanical mowing, mechanical drawing. The lowest acid detergent lignin content and the best feed digestibility were obtained from the meadows, where used chemical methods of common dandelion control. In this regard the most effective was the Rancho 242 EC herbicide. From mechanical methods, weeds pulling from the soil effected more favorably on the feed digestibility than mechanical mowing.

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K. Jankowski,
W. Czeluściński,
J. Jankowska,
J. Sosnowski

Kolorystyka muraw trawnikowych w wyniku zastosowania zróżnicowanych dawek odpadu popieczarkowego

Coloring of turf lawns after application of different doses of mushroom’s refuse

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The field experiment was established in 2004 on agricultural object of University of Natural Sciences and Humanities in Siedlce. It was tested the type of lawn mixtures: Wembley (M1); Parkowa (M2), Relax (M3), Półcień (M4), and the mushroom’s substrate in different dose (0, 2, 4, 6 kg m–2). On the all experimental objects mineral fertilization in the form of Pokon fertilizer was used. In each year of the study the lawn coloring was evaluated. This evaluation was made according to the COBORU methodology. On the intensity of the green color of turf lawn a big impact had a floristic composition of the lawn mixture. The most preferred color had a mixture Półcień containing in its composition 20% of perennial ryegrass and 55% of red fescue.

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