Strona główna Kontakt

Nr 15, 2012


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J. Pawluczuk,
K. Grabowski

Zbiorowiska łąkowe na glebach murszowychw dolinie rzeki Omulew

Meadow communities occupying muck soils in the Omulew river valley

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Floristic and phytosociological studies were conducted on drained managed and unmanaged meadows occupying organic soils with a different moisture content. Soil samples were analyzed to determine their physical properties and the concentrations of total nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Phytosociological data were collected in 20 relevés representing different vegetation layers. A list of plant species was compiled and cover coefficients were calculated using the five-point Braun-Blanquet scale. The uppermost horizon of organic-muck soils had an acidic reaction, a high content of phosphorus, calcium and iron, an average cooper content, and a low content of potassium, magnesium and zinc. Managed hay meadows were dominated by the following valuable grasses: Alopecurus pratensis, Festuca rubra, Phleum pratense, Poa pratensis and Dactylis glomerata, accompanied by leguminous plants, herbs and weeds. Grassland abandonment led to undesirable changes in sward composition and contributed to the introduction of species with poor nutritional quality, such as: Avenula pubescens, Holcus lanatus, Deschampsia caespitosa, Elymus repens and Anthoxanthum odoratum.

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J. Sosnowski

Wartość RFV mieszanek Festulolium z koniczyną łąkową i lucerną mieszańcową zasilanych użyźniaczem glebowym

RFV value of Festulolium mixtures with red clover and alfalfa supplied with soil’s medium amendment

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of soil’s medium amendment and qualitative and quantitative composition of Festulolium mixtures with legume plants on the relative feed value of the obtained feed. Experimental factor were three grass-legumes mixtures. Another factor was the soil’s medium amendment, applied at tillering stage of the grass in a dose 0,9 l ha–1 diluted in 350 l of water. Combinations with soil’s medium amendment were labeled as UG, and without soil’s medium amendment as BUG. The study included chemical composition of dry weight of plants, which were determined at the Institute of Technology and Life Science in Falenty. The obtained results were used to assess the quality of feed from mixtures, which was conducted by Linn and Martin test. Classification parameter was the relative value of feed – RFV. The best feed material was collected from the sown by objects Festulolium braunii in mixture with red clover. The using of soil’s medium amendment to grow, regardless of the mixture, cut and a study year, resulted in a increase of relative feed value of estimated mixtures.

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J. Szkutnik,
P. Kacorzyk,
M. Kasperczyk,
J. Majcher-Łoś

Dynamika przyrostu plonu suchej masy i azotu ogólnego u traw

The rate of dry matter yield increase and total nitrogen in the grass
  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The experiments was conducted in 2009–2010 in the mountain area. The rate of dry matter yield increase and total nitrogen was assessed in four grasses: Festuca pratensis, Dactylis glomerata, Phleum pratense, Lolium perenne. The evaluation of growth dynamics of dry matter and nitrogen accumulation in the year of sowing was made in four periods: I – 31 days after emergence of grasses, II – at harvest time, III – 21 days after first cut, IV – 51 days later. In the second year of the experiment growth was assessed four times, every 2 weeks from the beginning of vegetation. Results of investigations shows that pace growth of dry matter yield was lower than accumulation pace of total nitrogen.

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J. Szkutnik,
P. Kacorzyk,
W. Szewczyk

Zmiana zawartości białka ogólnego i włókna surowego w zależności od poziomu nawożenia i fazy rozwojowej traw

The content change of total protein and crude fibre depending on the dose of fertilization and phenological phase of grasses

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The experiment was conducted in 2008–2010 in the mountain area. Cumulation of protein and crude fiber were assesed in four grasses: Festuca pratensis, Dactylis glomerata, Phleum pratense, Arrhenatherum elatius. The experience was two-factor. The first factor was varied nitrogen (50, 100, 150 kg ha–1) with constant phosphorus-potassium fertilization. The second factor was the phonological stage – first was at the earing, second – during flowering. Results of assesment shows that Festuca pratensis and Arrhenatherum elatius increased the protein content in plants and reduced the aging process with increasing nitrogen fertilization. In mountain conditions the optimal dose of nitrogen Phleum pratense seems to be 100 kg ha–1 while for Dactylis glomerata best dose was 150 kg.

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E. Tryaskowska,
P. Adamiec

Wartość estetyczna trawników ekstensywnychna wybranych obiektach Lublina

Aesthetic value of extensive lawns on selected items of Lublin

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The aim of the study was to evaluate the aesthetics of extensive lawns appearing near the roads on which as a result of species succession there appear spontaneous, synanthropic, pasture, grassland and synanthropic communities. Our studies confirm, that extensive lawns have high floristic diversity. Described lawns are spectacular flowering phytocenosis and in most cases they refer to the pasture and grassland communities. The least effective communities are classified to trampled lawns: Lolio-Polygonetum. Low values have lawns with Hordeetum murini. The highest diversity have lawns with Bunietum orientalis, Cardario drabe-Agropyretum repentis and lawns without phytosociological affiliation, but with large amount of grassland and synanthropic species.

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