Strona główna Kontakt

Nr 12, 2009


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A. Sabiniarz,
S. Kozłowski

Łąki Czerskie w aspekcie paszowym
Forage aspects of Czersk Meadows 

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. For many years, permanent meadows have been treated as pastures because they provided a very valuable source of forages for direct grazing by graminivorous animals as well as a source of raw material for the production of hay and, less frequently, silages. With the passage of time, also other functions of permanent meadows, such as environmental, ecological and landscape began to gain importance. At the present time, all the above mentioned functions are treated as equally important and mutually complementary. However, it is possible to notice that the opinion that the role which permanent meadows fulfil with regard to the natural environment is more important than their forage function is slowly gaining the upper hand. Such approach, in turn, leads to a strong belief about the necessity to preserve meadows even at the expense of their yields. That is why both large meadow complexes as well as objects of smaller size are subjected to multifaceted evaluation. Such comprehensive assessment was carried out on a very extensive meadow complex covering the area of approximately 2000 ha situated in the neighbourhood of Czersk. This study discusses the forage function of this complex. The content of the most important, from the nutritional point of view, organic and mineral constituents was adopted as assessment criterion.

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D. Sienkiewicz-Paderewska,
P. Stypiński
Trwałe użytki zielone w polskich parkach krajobrazowych. Cz. I. Stan i zagrożenia
Permanent grasslands in the Polish landscape parks.Part I. The state and the threats 
  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Both identification and elimination of the factors that could be danger for grassland ecosystems are the most important tasks concerning maintenance and protection of grassland biodiversity. On the base of the studies carried out in the year of 2005 and questionnaires that have been sent to all landscape Parks in Poland was possible to find out how is the area of permanent grasslands located in the Polish landscape parks and list the most harmful factors for grasslands. It was found that the approximate area of the permanent grasslands placed in the Polish landscape parks amounts 513.000 ha. The most dangerous for those ecosystems are: cessation of utilisation, changes in the soil water regime, grasslands conversion into arable land, afforestation, infrastructure, urbanization and tourist building. Also legislation problems seems to be important for semi-natural ecosystems.

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D. Sienkiewicz-Paderewska,
P. Stypiński

Trwałe użytki zielone w polskich parkach krajobrazowych. Cz. II. Ochrona
Permanent grasslands in the Polish landscape parks.Part II. The protection  

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The purpose of the study was to find out whether permanent grasslands located in the Polish landscape parks are under protection or not and, if yes, what kind of protection is successful. The permanent grasslands in Poland are usually semi-natural, man-influenced ecosystems, which show high biodiversity very often. They are threatened by degradation and synanthropisation processes. At present there are 120 landscape parks in Poland that cover 2.6 million ha. But we have nearly no data about the grasslands that are placed within their borders. Based on the questionnaires carried out in the year of 2005 that have been sent to all landscape parks in Poland was possible to find out that the protection methods which are used in the parks are not appropriate for the semi-natural ecosystems.

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M. Szczepanek

Wpływ ilości wysiewu i rozstawu rzędów na plonowanie Phleum pratense uprawianej na nasiona
Influence of seeding rate and row spacing on yieldingof Phleum pratense grown for seed

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The aim of this study was to estimate optimal agrotechnological parameters: seeding rate and row spacing for timothy grown for seeds. In was indicated that sowing 2.1 kg ha–1, at field emergence index 26.3% and plant density after emergence 105 plants m–2, is sufficient. Increase in seeding rate up to 6.3 kg ha–1 doubles plant density after emergence, but does not have an effect on the number of generative shoots or seed yield in years of utilization. Using of a row spacing of 24 cm has a positive impact on generative shoot density and seed yield in the first production year.

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J. Szydłowska

Kształtowanie się typów florystycznych, ich wartości użytkowej i walorów przyrodniczych na wybranych łąkach śródleśnych w zależności od warunków wilgotnościowych siedliska
Development of floristic types, their utility and natural value on selected forest meadows depending on moisture of habitat

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The studies were carried out in 2008 year on three selected forest grasslands surrounded by mixed forest, which were situated on the north of Kłodawa (Lubuskie Province). To assess water conditions of habitats was used phytoindication Klapp’s method modified by Oświt, (1992) and was measured level of ground water under each floristic type. The utility value of the sward was established on basis of the utility value numbers (LWU) – Filipek (1973), and natural value was evaluated using the valorization numbers (Oświt, 2000). On investigated forest meadows there were obtained various moisture of habitats and them consist of many (from 3 to 8) floristic types. There were described 5 different moisture habitats, from swampy to dry, covered by types of plant communities with domination of: Carex riparia, Phalaris arundinacea, Alopecurus pratensis, Arrhenatherum elatius, Festuca rubra, Festuca ovina, Holcus lanatus, Rumex acetosa.

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Cz. Trąba

Fitosocjologia w łąkarstwie dziś i w przyszłości
Phytosociology in grassland science today and in the future

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Problems of the contemporary phytosociology, including the meadow applied phytosociology, are presented in the paper. It presents a review of the most essential publications from various regions of Poland on the diversity of meadow communities, causes of disturbances in their species composition, and phytosociological classification. A particular attention was paid to the changes that occurred in Poland in the phytosociological system of meadow communities of the Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class, as well as in the neighbouring Phragmitetea thickle communities, short sedge Caricetea nigrae oraz Nardo-Callunetea swards. The paper speculates on the future phytosociology development in grassland science.

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T. Wójtowicz,
A. Binek,
M. Moś

Correlations and path analysis of the components of Festuca pratensis seed yield
Korelacje i analiza ścieżek komponentów plonu nasion Festuca pratensis  

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Seed yield and yield components were investigated using single meadow fescue plants (Festuca pratensis Huds.) grown in widely spaced rows. Plants of four cultivars (Cykada, Skawa, Skiba and Skra), entered into the EU catalogue, made the representative sample. On the basis of observations and measurements of 20 plants from two harvest dates and three vegetation seasons, the number of days till heading, number of panicles, seed weight per panicle, degree of panicle axis maturity, weight of fallen seeds, the shedding being induced under laboratory conditions, and gross seed yield. For these traits mean values, coefficients of variation, simple correlation coefficients and Wright’s path coefficients were calculated. Over the period of the three-year experiments the greatest variation was found for seed weight per panicle, seed yield per plant and number of panicles, especially in the first harvest year. From among the investigated traits, seed yield per plant was most correlated with the number of panicles per plant (r = 0.480** to r = 0.829**) and seed weight per panicle (r = 0.336* to r = 0.820**). As the number of panicles per plant increased, the weight of fallen seeds increased as well (r = 0.432** to r = 0.620**). The path analysis confirmed the finding that the number of panicles per plant, increasing in successive years, determined the seed yield by 12–23%, 40–46% and 63–74% respectively. The greatest direct effects of the number of panicles and seed weight per panicle on seed yield were observed in the second harvest year.

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J. Zarzycki

Metodyczne i techniczne innowacje w badaniach fitosocjologicznych
Methodological and technical innovation in phytosociological research  

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. Wykorzystanie metod numerycznych jest coraz powszechniejsze w badaniach nad roślinnością. Duża liczba zdjęć fitosocjologicznych niezbędna jest dla właściwego scharakteryzowania zbiorowisk roślinności łąkowej i powiązanych z nimi czynników siedliskowych. Gromadzenie i klasyfikowanie takich danych ułatwiają obecnie programy komputerowe. W pracy dokonano ogólnego przeglądu metod statystycznych i wykorzystujących je programów stosowanych do gromadzenia, klasyfikacji i porządkowania zdjęć fitosocjologicznych. Zaprezentowano także na wybranych przykładach możliwości wykorzystania najczęściej stosowanego oprogramowania.

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