Strona główna Kontakt

Nr 14, 2011

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K. Musiał

Walory przyrodnicze zbiorowisk łąkowychdoliny rzeki Mierzawy

Natural values of meadow communities in valley of the Mierzawa river

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The aim of the research was to evaluate the meadow communities, that are accompanying the valley of Mierzawa river. The types of habitats that have been examined are the fresh and the wet meadows, that belong to various phytosociological associations, differentiated in the type of management. In explored terrain, there has been done 45 phytosociological records, during June and July in 2010 and 2011, in 16 localities, that all belong to the Niecka Nidziańska macroregion. The Mierzawa river is a right-bank tributary of Nida, and its length is about 60 km. Altitudes above sea level in the investigated area only slightly exceed 200 m in the valley of this river. Whereas altitudes of surrounding ground reach to a little above 300 m a.s.l. In this area, there is a considerable floristic diversity, what has been assessed by a big number of plant species, genera, and botanical families, that belong to vascular plants. Natural values of that terrain were estimated according to an appropriate method, which shows that the wet meadows are more floristically diversified than the fresh meadows.

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J. Sosnowski

Wpływ użyźniacza glebowego na kształtowanie się biomasy nadziemnej Festulolium braunii

Effect of soil's fertilizer on the development of aboveground biomassof Festulolium braunii

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of soil’s fertilizer on the formation of biomass of aboveground parts of Festulolium braunii. Rings with a 36 cm diameter and a 40 cm high was embed on a depth of 30 cm and was filled with soil material. Then, to each rings were seeded eight seeds of tested grass species. It was the following combinations of fertilizer: Control-no fertilizer, NPK – the annual doses of 0.6 g N ring–1, 0.25 g of P2O5 ring–1 and 0.9 g K2O ring–1, UG – soil’s fertilizer at a dose of 3.7 cm3 ring–1 as a 0.25% solution, UG + NPK – in the combined doses as for the combination „NPK” and „UG”. Full period, of three movings use of experimental objects was in years: 2008, 2009 and 2010. Detailed study included: aboveground biomass yield (g DM ring–1), the number of shoots (no ring–1), leaf length (cm), width of leaf base (mm), leaf greenness index (SPAD). Regardless of study years, combining of mineral fertilization with soil’s fertilizer, resulted in a significant increase of dry matter yield of plants, relative to control objects as well as to suppled only with soil’s fertilizer or mineral fertilization. The largest number of shoots, leaf length and width of their base as well as the highest values of SPAD occurred on the objects with soil’s fertilizer used together with mineral fertilization.

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J. Sosnowski

Wartość paszowa mieszanek Festulolium brauniiz koniczyną łąkową i lucerną mieszańcową zasilanychużyźniaczem glebowym

The feed value of Festulolium braunii mixtures with red cloverand alfalfa supplied with soil’s fertilizer

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The experience with growing of Festulolium braunii (Felopa variety) in mixture with red clover – (Tenia variety) and alfalfa (Tula variety),was founded in April 2007, in randomized blocks in 3 licants on the experimental. The first experimental factor were 3 grass – legumes mixtures with the following composition: M1 – Festulolium braunii (variety Felopa) 50%, Trifolium pratense (Tenia variety) 50%, M2 – Festulolium braunii (Felopa variety) 50%, Medicago sativa ssp. media (Tula variety) 50%, M3 – Festulolium braunii (variety Felopa) 50%, Trifolium pratense (Tenia variety) 25%, Medicago sativa ssp media (Tula variety) 25%. The second experimental factor was soil’s fertilizer, applied in the phase of grass earing at a dose of 0.9 l ha–1 diluted in 350 l of water. Combinations with soil’s fertilizer were marked as UG, and without soil’s fertilizer BUG. The specific studies were included the total protein content, sugars, fiber (% DM) and dry matter digestibility (%). Analysis of plant material, in regards those characteristics, were done at the Institute of Technology and Life Sciences in Falenty. The obtained results showed that application of the soil’s fertilizer to undepend on the type of mixture and study years caused the, increase of the crude fiber content and sugar-protein ratio and decrease of dry matter digestibility of analyzed plant material.

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K. Starczewski, A. Affek-Starczewska,
K. Jankowski

Wpływ wybranych regulatorów wzrostu na kolorystykę muraw mieszankowych założonych na bazie życicy trwałej

Effect of phytohormones on the color grass mixtures based on ryegrass

  • Abstract

    • Abstract.

      In the report, results of examination mixed turf grasses with different contains of perennial ryegrass (20–80%) was shown. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of phytohormones on color mixed turf grasses. The results indicated that color of lawn was mostly depended on applied phytohormones. Unfavorable trend in the color change of lawn grasses was noted after applying phytohormones. Components of mixture did not had significant impact on this feature.

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T. Wójtowicz,
M. Moś

Wpływ stopnia dojrzałości wiech na wartość siewną nasion Festuca pratensis

Effect of degree of panicle maturity on sowing value of Festuca pratensis seeds

  • Abstract

    • Abstract. The aim of this study conducted in the years 2006–2008 was to evaluate the effect of harvest date and varietal variation on sowing value of seeds threshed and shattered from panicles with different degree of maturity in four meadow fescue cultivars. Germinability as well as weight of 1000 seeds were strongly affected by varietal factor and interaction of this factor with harvest date in successive years. Seeds threshed from panicles in the third degree of maturity were characterized by high germinability (84%) but the highest value of this index (87%) was estimated for seeds obtained during induced shattering, notwithstanding the lowest weight of 1000 shattered seeds (2.115 g). Inconsiderable variation of germinability of threshed seeds between applied dates of harvest in analyzed three-year period points to the possibility of harvesting at the earlier date to reduce losses in seed yield caused by shattering process.

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W. Zielewicz,
S. Kozłowski

Występowanie barwników chlorofilowych i karotenowych w trawach leśnych

Occurrence of chlorophyll and carotene dyes in forest grasses

  • Abstract

    • Abstract.

      Forest grasses are poorly known with respect to their chemical composition. This remark also refers to plant dyes. Chlorophyll plays a vital part, primarily, in physiological processes, whereas carotenes, especially beta-carotene – in determining plant fodder value. Our own investigations undertook these issues with regard to 13 species of forest grasses. In the light of the obtained research results, it can be said that the occurrence of the above-mentioned dyes is a characteristic trait of individual species. Levels of dye concentrations depend on the dynamics of plant growth and development as well as site conditions, especially moisture levels. Moreover, considerable changes in chlorophyll content occurred during the vegetation season which can affect plant vitality and fodder value as well as landscape.

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